Hello Friends!, *Big Hugs*
Today for the letter “P”, We are strolling thru the PARK in AnyTown USA 🙂

Parks are essential to every big city and rural town. Its a great place to exercise, Gather with friends & family, Or to enjoy a bit of nature and feed your mind some peace.

I choose this look for its layering and long sleeves in the coolish weather outdoors. The ‘Fro and large earring as well as the butterfly sleeves on the cami give it a retro feel. My Lelutka pants tied up the look well 🙂

I’d also like to point out that I found a hunt gift I wanted to use on this stroll. Its a scooter with poses built in. The hunt prize was part of “The Unseen Hunt” and is still sitting out, yours for the taking! Just follow the url I provided, and look for a large blue paisley butterfly 🙂

What I am wearing:

PANTS::: [LeLutka]-OLIMPIA pants/lavender

SHOES::.:Pelletteria Morrisey Italian style:. Elle platform- Lavender

{E}argasms::Jersey Jen Earring/Bracelet set

BAG  ::Duh!:: Big Tote – Grey

HAIR::: MrS-VOGUE – afro vaporous hair – black

SKIN: LyricalStore: LS SKIN Priska CARAMEL – Lips7

****The Scooter still available thru “The Unknown hunt”
[socialANGtz] Mainstore