Tag Archive: Hallow’s Eve

SL Destinations: 3 Sims of Dark Fun



Did we scare you? :p

We are breaking the silence, blowing the dust off the blog’s wall & back from beyond the spirit world to bring you a dark treat.

This is a rather late post for the hallowed holiday, but wanted to get this out at least ON the night lol.

Featuring 3 spots to check out if you haven’t already. Bryn Ohs Immersiva, Alice in Wonderland, and Nuville Horrors.

These sims have been around for a while & can be visited at anytime for a nice group outing, all are interactive as well as scenic.

We hope you get to enjoy!


Immersiva by Bryn Oh: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Immersiva/35/154/23


Find and click the messages in the bottles to follow a story, Click on the microphones to hear it being read to you.

This is a very dark sim, You will need to use the sim’s WL and wear the free headlamp to get around.


Be careful, You can be killed & sent home by Mr Zippers, a mad robotic type bunny zipping randomly about the sim.

This sim is Eerie, Spooky, Intriguing, & worth a visit.

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Nuville Horrors Interactive adventure game: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/The%20Clove/243/91/26


Great scenes as you ride the creepy bus thru the town,


At the end of the ride, You can search for 50 great hunt items hidden in the apartments.


Worthy of the 100L Entry fee, This sim is well done. A J-Team Thumbs Up!



Alice in Wonderland: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/OXYGEN%2520ISLAND/136/62/22


Slightly Dark & Twisted with a Sprinkle of Whimsy, This sim is beautiful and a delight to explore.

You will need a group tag to access the grounds,

From the landing with the adorable bunny-walk inside the tree where you fall down the deep and long rabbit hole.


Look for the “key” (Group Invite) near the table and bottle., Climb through the small door to get to ground level.


And…The adventure begins! A treat for the eyes and a great op for fantastic pics!

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Guards! Guards! He has taken some of my candy!  😡

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Be sure to try your luck at the gacha machines in back of the windmill!

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We shall return with more posts, stay tuned!

The J-Team; Revan & Chioma Jinn ♥

SL Destinations: Never You Mind

*`~ Waves—Pssst!

..sending thru a quick post!

NUM lighthouse

We came across a sim that was a lot of fun!

They have the cutest, goofiest Goblins, Witches, Demons, Ghosts, snarling Ghouls & scaredy cats.

NUM skull ghost NUM zombie NUM robot NUM pumpkin cat

Hot air balloons to tour the island, Boats to row and boxes to glide..

Oct152013NvrUmind1_002 NUM flying box NUM tub boats

We had a ball Driving the ufo, floating away with balloons, & riding brooms.

NUM balloon Oct152013NvrUmind1_001 Oct152013NvrUmind_001

This sim wide store is in a festive hallow’s eve setting, Very nice for snapshots in costume or not.
All interactive gadgets and builds are for sale, and available for you to play with until your hearts content.

NUM shop snap

Halloween is only 15 days away, and if you have not decorated yet and would like to, this place is for you!
Unique items & characters that were very LOW priced, perfect bargains.


Bring a crowd, Start a giant race for laughs :p
Have a great time while playing or shopping here.

FUN! @: “Never you mind.”



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